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3 / 26 / 2024


Did you know that your power company can charge you more for your energy use during specific times of the day? Well, it’s true. These are called peak demand times, and if you want to prevent getting charged extra on your power bill each month (spoiler alert: you probably already are), then you should learn what peak demand means and when it occurs. 

What is peak demand?

Peak demand is a term used to describe periods of time when the most electricity is used by businesses in a given region. You will frequently see peak demand periods measured in increments of hours, days, weeks, seasons, or years. For example, there are very likely hours of the day when you and other businesses are at the most active. Similarly, some days such as busy holidays might cause energy spikes as businesses remain in operation longer, or seasonal changes might cause businesses to have higher HVAC demands. There are even annual demand peaks due to economic growth or technological advancements.

How to determine peak demand periods in your region

Peak demand varies widely across geographic locations, time of year, regional industry trends, energy companies, and more—which means that unfortunately, we can’t tell you what your energy provider’s peak demand period is. If you want to know about the specific peak demand periods in your region, contact your power company. They can provide you with schedules that outline their peak, shoulder, and off-peak hours along with corresponding electricity rates.

Why is peak demand important for businesses?

As a business owner, you need to understand peak demand periods because your power company can charge you more for energy you use during those times. Once you know the peak demand hours that cost more during the day, you can strategically manage your energy consumption to limit your energy use during those times. While it might seem inconvenient to have to shift your schedule around to use less power during certain periods, you’ll be rewarded in the long run by having an overall lower power bill. Plus, when you reduce your electricity usage during peak demand periods, you also contribute to the overall stability of the power grid.

4 ways to decrease energy needs during peak demand times

You might be feeling frustrated since some of your business operations must occur during peak demand periods. But don’t worry—besides adjusting your operating hours, you have other options to help get your overall demand down.

  • Telecommuting 
    You can significantly reduce energy needs during peak demand times by embracing telecommuting for your employees. Remote work allows your team to still operate efficiently without consuming energy in the office during peak periods, and you get to offer flexibility to your employees. Better work-life balance and a lower power bill is a win for everyone.
  • Shift operations to early morning or overnight
    You can try scheduling tasks such as manufacturing processes, equipment maintenance, or inventory management to off-peak periods to minimize energy consumption and take advantage of lower electricity rates during those times. Check with your power company to see what hours are peak demand use times and shift any operations you can to avoid those.
  • Unplug devices when not in use
    It’s not the advice you want to hear, but it’s true that unplugging electronic devices and appliances when they're not in use can help lower your overall energy demands. Try to encourage your employees to turn off lights, computers, printers, and other equipment at the end of the workday, consider power-saving settings on computers and other devices, and use power strips to allow for easy bulk powering-down. 
  • Run upkeep operations after hours or on weekends
    If you’re planning to schedule maintenance and upkeep on your facility, try to set it for after hours or on weekends. If you can, set tasks such as system updates, software installations, and even laundry services for off-peak periods to avoid contributing to peak demand.

Make your energy data work for you

Understanding what peak demand is and how it affects your power bill is actually just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to understanding how you’re acquiring, using, and spending money on power. That’s why Electripure has proprietary tech that lets you see the data behind your facility’s power usage—so you can take control of your energy spend. If you want to get a better understanding of your business’s power usage—and save up to 20 percent on your power bill each month right out the gate—then contact our pros at Electripure. We’ll come inspect your facility for free and set you up with the tech and knowledge to start getting your money out of the power you’re paying for.