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1 / 29 / 2024

How energy data reveals money you’re dumping down the drain

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Go grab your latest energy bill and read through it. Do you see a breakdown of the peak hours you use energy? Can you tell which systems are pulling the most power? Or what percentage of the power you pay for is actually getting used? Probably not.

Here’s the reality: if you want optics on your power system, you need access to your energy data. And in order to access your energy data, you need a metering system. Only then you can start looking at options for improving your energy efficiency (which could save you up to 20 percent on your power bill, by the way).

Finally accessing your energy data is like flipping on a light switch and realizing you’ve been sitting in the dark this whole time. So let’s take a look at exactly what energy data is, how you can access it, and how it can be the key to taking control of your energy spending.

What is energy data?

“Energy data” is detailed information collected from monitoring systems that track energy consumption. This data encompasses a wide range of variables, including (but not limited to!) electricity generation, fuel consumption, renewable energy output, and energy efficiency metrics. The data can be collected from various sources, such as power plants, utility companies, and government agencies, and it provides valuable insights into the dynamics of an energy ecosystem. 

Harnessing energy data begins with investing in reliable metering systems. The goal is to move beyond traditional monthly utility bills and gain real-time insights into when and how energy is being consumed. Energy metering involves the installation of smart meters, like Electripure’s CleanPQ™ system, to measure and record energy consumption as it’s happening. These tools provide a granular view of how an organization is using energy, allowing users to identify inefficiencies, hidden costs, and opportunities for optimization.

How to act on energy data

Unfortunately, just accessing your energy data won't magically reduce costs—you can only unlock savings by actually acting on that data. Once equipped with an energy monitoring system, you can leverage your energy data to make strategic decisions as you identify patterns, anomalies, and inefficiencies. That’s why Electripure focuses not just on acquiring energy data with our non-invasive metering system—we also deliver solutions for your business.

For example, many businesses can save money just by adjusting the time at which they conduct their highest-energy tasks. Many electricity providers charge based on peak demand during specific periods of the day or week—so if your energy monitoring system identifies a number of high-energy tasks with a flexible schedule, you can shift them to non-peak hours and use energy at a discounted rate.

An energy monitoring system can also help you identify energy-intensive machinery or appliances and prioritize upgrades or replacements with more energy-efficient alternatives—or better yet, eliminate them from your system entirely.

And consider that just installing Electripure’s CleanPQ™ system alone can clean up the dirty power in your system and save you on your electric bill right off the bat.

Case study: The community college saga

We saw the power of energy data at work during a recent visit to a local community college. They described a puzzling demand charge that had plagued their power bills for years. Despite seeking clarity from the utility company, they were left in the dark—and paying for it.

Enter Electripure’s CleanPQ™ energy monitoring system.

With our monitoring system in place, they pinpointed a recurring demand event at 2:00 a.m. The investigation revealed a clandestine pump station that the water utility company had installed on the college's property. The power company, unwilling to run a line from across the street, tapped into the college's substation—and every morning, the pump kicked in to refill a storage tank, billing the college for the power. 

This revelation allowed the school to eliminate nearly $50,000 a year in power bills and claim a refund for past years. The case underscores the potential of energy data to uncover hidden costs, rectify billing discrepancies, and deliver tangible financial benefits.

Your energy data in your hands

As businesses and institutions navigate the evolving landscape of energy consumption, embracing energy data isn’t just a smart move; it’s a strategic imperative. The future of cost-effective and sustainable energy management lies in the hands of those who have the ability to capture their energy data and act on it. 

We’re already helping companies all over the midwest save costs on energy that would otherwise have been wasted. We provide comprehensive diagnostics and easy-to-install proprietary tech that can save you up to 10 percent of your energy costs. 

Electripure is on call when you’re ready to get your money out of the energy you’ve already paid for.